Buying Guide

Its tough choice, but you can still buying wisely. The choice depends on how many baskets are you going to buy . there's some point you need to know.

Our baskets has it's own name and apply a different pattern of holes.


Different name has different tasting profile due to the pattern and flow rate design has an effect on extraction.

    • How to choose wisely depends on the budget
      • if you only buy one basket.
        • for Milkbase Drink :BLEND/ORIGIN ,SOE/CLASSIC,or SOE/KUROSHIO.
        • for Black coffee :BLEND/4STEPS,SOE/SPIRIT,or SOE/EVEREST.
        • for BOTH milkbase and black coffee:BLEND/CHECKMATE
      • If you buy two baskets.
        • ONE SOE basket WITH ONE BLEND basket
      • If you buy Three Baskets.
        • We recommend you buy 4 of them. 
      • If you buy "A FULL SET OF FOUR baskets".
        • You will face tough choice every morning just like me.
    • How to save Shipping charge.
      • DHL has a minimum shipping cost that within 4 baskets will be the same price, so we recommend you arrange a group buy.
    • If you want to buy shower screen
      • IMS competition shower screen works well in commercial, we highly recommend. 
    • If you want to buy filter basket other than 58mm
      • IMS basket would be the best.